
Civian relies on a team of full-time and part-time writers to satisfy our day-to-day editorial needs. To that end, we are currently not seeking paid contributors.

However, we are always happy to have individuals who are interested to contribute their knowledge and are willing to do so on a regular basis.

However, we are always happy to have individuals who are interested to contribute their knowledge and are willing to do so on a regular basis.

If you have something insightful you would like to share with our readers, you’re welcome to submit your piece to our editorial team.

What you'll benefit writing for us:

Your work will be published on our website and shared on several social media network to Boost readership.
1, Build a reputation
2, Your very own author/bio space will be activated.
3, A link to your website or social media networks like Twitter and Facebook will be posted and remain active so long you post for Civian.
4, Have your content read by people across the globe.

What were actually looking for:

We are looking for passionate people who want to start conversations writing newsworthy materials on niche category of their knowledge, passion or expertise (no holds bar). Anything you feel like having out there, Civian does just that. 

Typically, our contributor articles are between 550 and 1500 words. They can be focused on a specific category/topic {sports, entertainment, politics, opinions, memes, funny stuff, you name it.

If you are interested in becoming a contributor/iReporter, send the final draft of your piece, a proposed headline, subtitle, brief bio, and links to any other pieces you’ve published to 
Or whatsapp @ +234 706 774 9562

The process:

Our editorial team will review your submission and get back to you if it’s something we’re interested in posting. Most certainly we'll publish it as long it doesn't contain Abusive words and it does not insight violence.

Contributors will have the opportunity to view the full piece as it will look on the site before it is published.

You will receive an email alert, phone call or whatsapp message when your piece runs.


Use sources wisely. Rely on primary sources as much as possible. If you interview someone, please say so in the piece. If you quote someone or cite a statistic, be sure to link out to your source.

Proof your article. Sloppy work won’t be accepted by our editors. If your piece is riddled with typos and/or factual errors, it will not be accepted.

Be original. Make sure the article you submit is original work. Work you didn’t write is not acceptable, nor is something you published previously with just a few new changes here and there.

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