33-year-old South African virgin - I'm getting married soon

A 33-year-old South African virgin, Zukiswa Joyi, has revealed she will be getting married to a great faithful man of God very soon.

The gospel artist who disclosed this in a Facebook post on Monday, August 21, 2023, also said she is not a feminist.
Zukiswa Joyi

The gospel artist who disclosed this in a Facebook post on Monday, August 21, 2023, also said she is not a feminist.

I will be getting married soon to a great man of God

Her words: 
Ohk, Just to be clear nje. I'm not a feminist, I will never be one, I believe in God's order of relationships /Marriage (the husband loving his wife like Christ loves the church, and the wife submitting to her husband as unto the Lord) , I love men, I'm getting married to one great, faithful man of God soon futhi. But you my friends need to relax and catch some humor, it doesn't decrease your Anointing, believe me.

Zukiswa Joyi had vowed to keep speaking about her virginity until she gives it to her lawfully wedded husband.

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