How to fall in love with anyone just by asking 3 questions

Arthur Aron is a psychologist and the idea of falling in love with anyone by asking three questions is from a study he conducted.

While the questions themselves cannot guarantee that you will completely fall in love with someone, they are designed to encourage vulnerability and initiate intimacy,
3 Questions to fall in love with anyone

While the questions themselves cannot guarantee that you will completely fall in love with someone, they are designed to encourage vulnerability and initiate intimacy, which can help to deepen a connection with another person.

Note that you need some level of connection in other to fall in love with someone.

Here are the three questions:

1. Given the choice of anyone in the world, whom would you want as a dinner guest?

This question is designed to encourage the other person to share something about themselves and their interests. By asking them about a hypothetical scenario, you can gain insight into their personality, values, and priorities.

It's like having a peep into their subconscious. It can make the person start thinking about you in some ways.

2. Would you like to be famous? If yes, in what way?

This question is designed to encourage the other person to share their hopes, aspirations and dreams.

By exploring their aspirations, you can gain a better understanding of their goals and motivations in life and see how you can fit in.

3. Before making a phone call, do you ever rehearse what you're going to say? Why?"

This question is designed to encourage the other person to share their vulnerabilities and insecurities.

By exploring their communication style or parter, you can gain insight into their fears and anxieties.

This will put you in a vantage point. This doesn't mean you should become manipulative of their feelings to your advantage.

By asking these questions and actively listening to the other person's responses, you can create a sense of intimacy and strong connection.

However, it is important to note that falling in love requires more than just asking these questions - it involves spending time with the other person, building trust and mutual respect, and developing a strong emotional connection.

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