Wedding called off as best man exposes bride’s past

A man has taken to his social media page to share with others the story of how the wedding he was supposed to attend this weekend was called off due to revelations made by the grooms best man regarding the bride’s explicit past.

A man has taken to his social media page to share with others the story of how the wedding he was supposed to attend this weekend was called off due to revelations made by the grooms best man regarding the bride’s explicit past.
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He gave detailed revelations of how the best man helped the groom to understand things he doesn't know about his soon-to-be wife, which dated back to her university days.

He revealed:

The wedding I’m supposed to attend on the 23rd of this month has been called off.”

Why? The groom’s best man lived in the same hostel with the bride in Absu. He saw everything the bride did for three whole years.”
The abortions, runs, even gave her out for runs, how she also paid for marks in school with knacks. How he even laid with her to know how ‘sweet’ she is before he recommended her to some OGs. He knows the girl first hand.”

To cut the long story short, he told his guy everything despite the girls plea. And the groom called off the wedding asap.

He and his friend are cool despite the revelations.

She is really devastated as she’s 30-years-old. She’s not taking any calls and has not been coming outside her apartment.

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